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33.8492° N, 118.3884° W
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CD @ CTHDRL, Founder/Ecd @  ▊▊▊▊▊
NExt Availability:
YutaniNost romo 180246
Runtime Live
RElative Run
24d 24M 33S
24d 24M 33S
01001010 01010111 00101110 01010011
74 87 46 83
4A 57 2E 53
.--- .-- .-.-.- ...
112 127 056 123
33.8492° N, 118.3884° W
60 - 250 Hz
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
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Exploring some variations in overlap and some alternative color palettes.
Playing around with the concept of up close and pulled back perspective allowing me to hide things in plain-sight.
An example of a social post. Whenever its anything music related, it's most always RTJ.
One of the closer to completed homepage directions for the ISOKO design and dev.
Displaying the uncut sheet in a one-off mock-up created for it based off my office.
Some explorations around DANC branding for social applications.
A (concept) mock-up of a sweatshirt to potentially promote an upcoming drop with Dr. Woo.
Looking at intro sequences for the homepage and embracing the beautiful photography at our disposal.
The current design for the mellow playlist.. this caption might not age well, so I'll apologize for that now.
A highly textured style frame leaning into the tracing paper vibes, etc.
Another album cover composite using one of my photos of a wave at sunrise as the base color/texture.
Breaking down the construction of how his many awards are displayed. Not the most scaleable, but more unique.
While very on the nose, I was rather keen on this direction. Alluding to sound waves and it being a platform to monetize music for artists.
A photo-based style frame, showing a potential application of the mark and type lock-up I had created. Too much glow for me now tho.
The idea was nice, the execution wasn't. Kinda smacks of a JC Penny ad in my head for some reason.
A (scrapped) concept looking at how we could list each tattoo NFT. Had a bit of fun with those one, but hard to take too seriously.
Exploring a hero carousel idea that used a bit of overlap and relied on some custom cursory to pull off.
Exploring the potential of a more robust dropdown navigation. Not a bulletproof IA, but trying to cover off on a strategy at a high-level.
Testing out different layering of effects in AE to get some organic static-y lookin stuff.
Stress testing an art direction on how it could be applied to a woman's version of the homepage/category page.
A little ham-fisted, but exploring something of a looser collage feel.
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