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33.8492° N, 118.3884° W
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CD @ CTHDRL, Founder/Ecd @  ▊▊▊▊▊
NExt Availability:
YutaniNost romo 180246
Runtime Live
RElative Run
24d 24M 33S
24d 24M 33S
01001010 01010111 00101110 01010011
74 87 46 83
4A 57 2E 53
.--- .-- .-.-.- ...
112 127 056 123
33.8492° N, 118.3884° W
60 - 250 Hz
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
33  8622    118    3995
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Landing screen for a banking app done in a day or 2. Really liked the quick links.. that basically showed up in amazons app 4 years later.
A rough proof of concept showing a scroll concept the features products with brand content and category-wide tech features.
An example of a more editorial sample– a mock-up for a potential quarterly release about recent drops.
Testing out different layering of effects in AE to get some organic static-y lookin stuff.
A WebGL 3D application of the wordmark for the shop pass. *Dev + 3D credit to CTHDRL.*
Another spread that plays around with legibility and maximizes negative space in organic ways.
The main homepage direction for the pitch. Simple with story telling moments in a minimal facade.
Concepted out an intro sequence to emulate the feeling they strove for in their store- calm (and I think they said fresh start?)
Pushing the native carousel in Webflow to be a bit more expressive.
Looking at intro sequences for the homepage and embracing the beautiful photography at our disposal.
A more organic layout with primary product feature call outs. Lots of sticky elements on this one.
Bold color, bold type.. wrong hierarchy. Could be a good secondary promo, but downplays the art too much.
All I can say is... edibles do some interesting things to interactive design ideas. A concept for oversized hover states that overlap.
A small excerpt of art directions/explorations done for the Hangyaku project.
Yea, we got jokes.
A cover exploration for Hello World.
A personal fav of the posters, but was nixed from the final selections.
This was once a fairly novel idea.. hover states mapped to different products to learn more in a design interior.
Exploring some OOH billboards for promo.
Porting cassette vibes to a square CD format for a playlist design concept.
Looking at OOH applications to promote the platform launch.
Exploring different instagram series end frames.
Initial Sound.xyz footer design.
I created a tool for procedural abstraction to utilize album art as a textural brand element (in absence of any brand content)
No Catalog items meet that criteria... yet
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