Let's get cinematic.
For a good while, I've know that the catalog has been a little lacking in the 'cinematic' department. (And I also know the term cinematic isn't the most applicable to shore-shot surfing clips.. but it sounds better the just video, and I do have more cinematic ambitions.) This is for a couple of good reasons: there's been color profile issues, handbrake color issues, a big lift for production on the assets, and the process of populating all the content properly in the CMS. I swear I'm not complaining, its just a whole thing, and it fell prey to some triage. There's been a million things flying around to get the site prepped for public consumption, so now that I won't be as bogged down in that, I can focus on NEW stuff :)
So far, these are some of the cinematic posts I've added, but I do want to keep adding more. For now it's a lot of surfing and textural type captures, and soon I'm hoping to mix it up a bit more to show range. The colors are all still a little off, so that's something I'm going to keep working on too. Its new, I'm learning, we'll get there :)