This has certainly been a long time coming...developing my own brand.
I really can't explain why, but I got caught doing everything very piecemeal, rarely without continuity or conceptual foundation/foresight. For someone who solicits his ability to dobranding work, the irony is not lost on me.. at all. It's funny in a dark way honestly. I've spent a little time trying to diagnose how it came to this.. and I think it's really just necessity. I've invested astronomical amounts of time in this site.. developing it, cleaning it up, learning I was still doing it wrong, and then re-doing it.... and then finding bugs that require another full tear-down. There's only so many hours in the day for my personal projects and client projects alike, and I just never felt I had the bandwidth to develop my own brand in the ways I do for others.
I will admit it is sort of a tough thing to start..
As I’m sure most designers can relate, branding yourself is a dubious prospect. It takes a long hard in the mirror and fundamentally distilling down our own creativity to some essence or concept to then build upon. That is a lot easier said than done as it turns out… at least for me. I’ve grappled with it on and off for the last 2 years… giving it a college try, getting frustrated, and throwing in the towel and moving forward with the ol non-brand brand (let the work/product carry the water). While I don’t think that's a bad approach, it’s sort of a cop out. I don't feel I need a brand that outshines the work, but can atleast suppliment/enhance the world around it.
Doing some branding for others is fairly easy with thoughtful exploration, conversations and subsequent analysis. Turns out I might not be able to have an honest conversation with ‘creative self’.
As you look around the site, you might see some semblance of brand ‘ideas’ floating around. I’m trying things and not trying to be too precious about the explorations, or with non-essential design on this site). There's stuff that just doesn't work, but I'm leaving it for now. I have to cut my loses trying to sort that out... pause, measure twice, and then cut once. So pardon any dust around the site that might be annoying. I'm working on it all right now, and hope to start implementing a design system in the coming weeks.