After a long hiatus on the project, I'm finally diving back into what Hangyaku can be.. leaving some of the personal baggage behind. I feel like the style was good, but my personal interests have been drifting to softer/darker realms that better reflects the mood of the story. The original exercise was to assess the validity of AI art in my tool set, but now that I know it's extremely valuable, I want to dial in on more story telling. I think the story and concept is there, but the previous execution doesn't serve to enhance the story.
I'm not sure what form the next iteration of Hangyaku will take. It's looking like it's better fit for long-form editorial, but I really don't know. I plan on keeping an open mind as I further develop the concept visually and see where it takes me. I feel like having the concept locked is allowing me latitudes to test and explore while having something definitive to evaluate creative decisions against.